
Oxal'art is involved in the sociocultural projects of the Maisons de Quartier by developing music-related activities, musical programming at the open stages of the Brut de Scène au Flambeau theater festival from 2004 to 2006, during various events such as Orgeval May is running out (Orgeval), Living Room (Val de Murigny). The association has been an active member of the Pôle Sud Musique network from its beginnings until 2010 and has been collaborating with Espace Le Ludoval since 2006.
The association has never remained inward-looking, both in terms of its programming choices and its level of mobilization on the issues inherent in the field of contemporary music:

Polca-Logo3 petiton was able to see Oxal'art represent associations on the board of POLCA (information and resource structure for contemporary music in the Champagne-Ardenne region)

or to be at the origin of the collective CARMA (the collective of associations gathered around the project of an intermediary place of diffusion in Reims).
The concerts organized by Oxal'art require places of diffusion, a crucial problem in Reims for small or medium-sized events. They find their place in places such as the Cultural Center Saint Exupery, the cultural center of the CROUS, the Appart Café, the space Ludoval or more punctually at the Cartonnerie.


logo_dracThe City of Reims has supported the association's dissemination activity since 2009 and provides the association with an office in the artistic wasteland located at 26 rue Docteur Albert Schweitzer in Reims.
The DRAC Champagne-Ardenne and the SPIP of the Marne support the setting up of the workshop at the prison of Reims since 2005.

On the 2011/2012 season, the association collaborates with Fnac de Reims, which is the relay of our programming.

logo_elhemlogo_oliveThe Elhem studio (graphics and development of communication media) and Olive Cumulonimbus are our loyal partners for the development of flyers and posters.